Monday, September 12, 2011

Rod's awesome news! 9-12-11

Hello friends and family!

All is going well here in Denver for both my dad and myself!  School is keeping me pretty busy.  Weekends have much more meaning now than they did this summer! :-)

When my dad and I had our surgeries on June 6, 2011... we were told that it would take a good 3 months for my dad to be back on track - so to say.  Last Tuesday was our 12 week/ 3 month anniversary of the surgeries.  Those doctors really know what they are talking about!  My dad has some awesome news which I will share in a moment.  I did want to tell you that his arm/ which had been so swollen (remember the "Popeye arm"?) and which the fistula was closed off a couple of weeks ago... is not swollen anymore - in fact, it is looking almost normal!  :-)

Here is my dad's good news in his own words:

Monday update.  

We had the very best, most productive clinic today.  Without boring you with too many details, here is what happened.  We were cut to clinic once a month (right after surgery we were going twice a week),   We still have to go for blood tests every other week (but they are short - into the lab, draw the blood, out again in about half an hour, not half a day.)  

They took me off 5 of the medicines I was taking, two were expensive anti-infection drugs - one was the one with a $600 co/pay that the insurance was paying over $1,700 for.  The insurance company will be as happy as I am about this day.  

We are moving toward a clinic appointment every 6 months - that will be heaven.  The Lord is answering those prayers, keep them coming.  Rod

Prayer requests:

  • Thanks and praise that my dad is doing so well.  His cardiologist even told him that his appointments were... boring!  THAT is awesome!
  • Prayers for continued strength gain.  My dad and I have a goal to walk 5 miles together now that the surgeries are in the past and recovery is in full force!
  • Since I have you as a captive praying audience... my good friend from college, Kari, is in the hospital battling cancer.  She needs prayers for healing and her family needs to be uplifted in prayer for strength, rest, peace and wisdom!   It means a lot to me that you guys are such diligent prayer warriors... Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Blessings on the rest of your week!
