Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday's news... Good news indeed! 7-20-11

Hello friends and family!

I don't think I have ever waited 5 days in between blogs!  As my dad and I progress (and it IS progress) the recovery just takes time and some days there just isn't much to share.

I had a dream last night about school.  This tells me that my mind is starting to process the fact that I will not get to sleep in until 8am for very much longer.  This also means that maybe I should be less offended when I see school supplies abundantly displayed at places like Target.  The end result is inevitable!  I will be starting to get excited and nervous both at the same time in the very coming days!

My dad has great news and he gave me his bit to put into the blog...

Tuesday was one of the best days since transplant rehab WE DON'T HAVE TO GO BACK ON FRIDAYS ANYMORE, JUST TUESDAYS. 

I lost about 30 pounds of nothing but fluid. That means I am rehabilitating well.  It opens the week for more activities, It is all good.  I am tired of being stuck here and having to watch those miserable Rockies play baseball like a fifth rate high school team.  

I am growing a grey goatee.  I kind of like the idea of seeing what it looks like on me.  Heidi is appalled, consequently it might not last too long. I had only two inquiries as to the whereabouts of the Christmas in July letter. I guess it was time for its demise.  

I need to go for now, Erica and Dax are coming over hang with me this morning, Heidi is taking Susan Kirch to lunch for her birthday.  What a blessing family and friends are.


The goatee part is funny.  My son Tanner who is 13 has been telling us that he wants to grow facial hair so he can shave cool designs into his neck and face... huh.  My dad has NEVER IN MY LIFE had any type of facial hair - EVER... period.  My first thought was that some personality trait that Tanner got from me was transplanted into my dad along with the new kidney!  It's okay... you can blame that one on me!  I like to be a little different anyway!! :)

Prayer requests:
  • Continued healing and recovery for both my dad and I
  • Continued patience and understanding for my dear mom!
  • Continued strength gain for my dad - the goal is to be able to go up and down the stairs in their home.
Thanks for all of your love and support.  It means the world to both of our families!



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