Friday, June 17, 2011

T.G.I.F... really! Setbacks happen... right?!

Happy Friday everyone!

Today ended up being a really long, hard day for my mom and dad during the post-op appointment at the hospital.

My dad went in expecting to get the catheter out.  This was the day we were going to see if everything worked on its own along with the new kidney.  They spent the better part of 7 hours at the hospital and ended up leaving with a catheter which was disappointing for sure.

I won't go into huge detail, but remember - my dad's bladder has been basically unused for several years.  The bladder is a muscle and his is going to need - well, a workout (more than one) to get stronger and work properly.  The kidney is working as it should, but it seems that all of the parts that need to play nicely together... well let's just say that some need a little more convincing.

Then to make a long day even longer... there was a complication in the new catheter and so they had to head to the E.R. to get it worked out.  That is where they are right now.

Luckily, some angels that go to St. John's (one of them was in my class this past year!) brought them over some homemade cards and a homemade dinner and they will probably never know how very much all of that was needed on this night!  Thank you Melanie & family!

Setbacks are a part of life.  I remember my dad, when he was going through the long, tiring process of trying to get approved to be on the recipient list, telling me that he thought the doctors were asking for too much, too many tests to be redone, so many extra tests to be taken... it all seemed like too much.  He even talked about pulling out and not going through with any of it anymore.  Enough!  But... he kept on keeping on, and eventually he got approved!  This process might be just as long - but I believe in my heart that it will be worth it all.

Our God is a good God and He has seen us through to this point... I trust He will not let go of us now.

Specific prayers:

  • My dad to get everything worked out at the E.R. tonight (soon). 
  • Good sleep and rest for both my mom and dad tonight.
  • All God given body parts to wake up and work together for the good of the whole.
  • Peace for my mom... this is a lot.
Thank you friends and family for your prayers and support.  We love you.



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