Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursdays Post

I can hardly believe it is already Thursday!  This was the day I was supposed to go home, but I just got word that I will be here until tomorrow.  It is a little disappointing for me and my family.  I think it is mostly due to the fact that they had a donor come in last night and everyone who needs to sign off on me going home is in surgery.  I'm thinking that this is most likely a cadaver donor - there is not much control on when those type of donations come in.

My dad had a good night and his systems are kicking into gear this afternoon.  I know he will feel so much better now that they are starting up again.  My own systems started up last night lending me a pretty good night's sleep.  I've been up and around here walking laps around the floor and napping in between visits from lots of friends and family who are stopping by.  We so appreciate the visits!  My dad has stated several times that he is ready to go home.  I think as soon as the doctors and nurses agree - he will be granted a pardon from this place... but not before!

We are hopeful that a release from the hospital for both of us will be tomorrow.

Specific prayers:
As my mom and dad learn about life after transplant, diet changes and medications - we are praying that they do not feel overwhelmed by all of this new information and that they can and will work together to make everything function in the proper way.

A release to go home when the time is right.

Blessings everyone!


1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you did not get to go home must be so ready. You and your parents will continue to be in our prayers. I'm sure the changes that your mom and dad need to make will be welcome after the changes of not having to go to dialysis. They have worked so many things out in their lives that this one should be a good one. I pray you can both go home tomorrow and continue to heal and rest! Love you! Dave and marybeth
