Monday, February 13, 2012

Prayers were answered! Thank you!

Hi friends and family,

I just wanted to post an update to my last blog to let you know how my dad is doing.  He had 3 days of infusions (strong steroids) last Wednesday - Friday.  Today when he went to have his creatinine levels checked they were lower and better.  They do not feel that he is in a rejection state anymore.  He will continue to take oral steroids and wean slowly off of them.  The doctors will be keeping a closer eye on him.

From what I can gather, we should prepare ourselves for some degree of rejection occasionally throughout the rest of his life.  They feel that this time it was a very mild rejection and they caught it early.  I'm so thankful that it was something fixable!

My family is thankful to all of you faithful prayer warriors who send up prayers on our behalf.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!  Keep up the great work! :-)

I will continue to keep you posted.

On another subject for you to keep in prayer... our son Kelby found out today that he has a stress fracture on his L5 (spine).  He will be going in for an MRI sometime very soon and we will find out then what the treatment plan for that will entail.  For now though... no more sports until we get the doctor's okay.  He is in a lot of pain.  Please pray that we can get this managed very soon.

Blessings on the rest of your week!


1 comment:

  1. Thank so much for keeping us posted! I will keep praying for them.Glad to see the doctors are keeping up with my uncle and "cachting" any problem on time, God Bless them. Please tell Kelby that we are wishing him the best and soon he will be doing sports again.....
