Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday's Post

So today is a new day!  My dad and I are progressing nicely according to the hospital staff.  I was disconnected from my IV and pain pump which allowed me to take a shower and wear my own clothes... it's the little things that make us happy!  I also started eating again - soft stuff, but that's okay - it makes me feel more normal.  So far, a cup of coffee has been my favorite thing to have back!

My dad's new kidney is doing well and doing its job in overtime... apparently when you take a kidney out of its normal environment it becomes a bit hyperactive and overworks itself.  That was happening yesterday, today it seems to have settled in a bit.

My dad had one other little mishap early this morning.  Apparently he decided he wanted to get out of bed by himself with no help, and his heart became agitated and went into A-Fibs which is a rapid heartbeat that doesn't settle down.  They did get it under control with meds and he is back on oxygen now but the danger has passed.   He is also resistant to taking the pain medication (why?  I have NO idea!)  He's been told by more than one person that he doesn't need to be a hero - take the meds!  Personally, they make me very happy and comfortable!

I just met with the surgeon who did my part of the transplant.  He feels things are going well.  He wants all of the body functions to start up again before I go home.  This means I am in the hospital until at least tomorrow.  My dad had a different doctor and we haven't heard yet their prediction for when he gets to go home.  I hope he starts following the rules or he might be here for a long time!

Specific prayers for today include: the digestive systems for both of us to wake up and start working normally, less pain (or at least controlled pain) and that Rod will behave and follow the rules. :-)

Thanks as always for all of the prayers and well wishes!


1 comment:

  1. Our darn dads....they think they can bounce back from just about anything. tell him to enjoy his time in the hospital cuz once he gets home he won't have as many people to wait on him :). So glad to hear you are both doing's to hoping that your tummies get awake again....they have a tendenacy to really go to sleep with anesthesia! sending love and hugs...Christi
